Unique Ferrari Enzo ZXX Returns to Canada

A unique upgraded Ferrari Enzo ZXX is back onto the streets

The happy owner of the world's only street-legal Ferrari ZXX has upgraded his car and is ready to enjoy it on the road. The Ferrari Enzo ZXX has returned to its home at ZR Auto in Calgary, Canada, after nearly a year of secrecy.

The world’s only street-legal Ferrari ZXX, built by Edo Competition, had a brand new motor 6.4L motor installed to give it the power and aggressive drive. Pushing over 900 hp, the ZXX has finally been unleashed back onto the streets of Calgary where it belongs.

The unfortunate part is that its arrival is at the tail end of driving season. But next summer the car will for sure be seen out and about a lot, as it is no garage queen. Immediately following its return to ZR Auto, the team wrapped the car in Suntek paint protection film to protect the paint. 

